Pelvic congestion syndrome is a disorder of varicose veins in the pelvis that can cause chronic pain. This is usually due to incompetence of the left ovarian vein or a compression syndrome called May Thurner. May-Thurner Syndrome is caused when the left iliac vein, which drains the left leg, is compressed by the Right common iliac artery.
Both of these issues can cause back pressure on the veins in the pelvis and the formation of varicose veins. Pelvic congestion syndrome effects women however May Thurner may affect both genders.

Symptoms of pelvic congestion include:

May-Thurner syndrome may also present with a left swollen or engorged leg or a large DVT.
Pelvic congetion


Both conditions are investigated with a dedicated pelvic and abdominal venous ultrasound and a CT scan. If the ultrasound and CT scan indicates that there is suspicion off the venous pathology then there may be a requirement to progress to an intravascular ultrasound and diagnostic venogram.
Deep Venous Disorders2
These procedures are performed in an angio-suit. Contrast dye is injected into the veins to look at the direction and distribution of the blood flow. An ultrasound probe is also passed into the venous system to look for a narrowing within the large veins of the pelvis.
Should it be proven that there is May turner syndrome and a stent can be placed across the narrow segment in order to reopen the iliac vein.
Pelvic congestion due to an incompetent ovarian vein is treated by coiling and blocking the ovarian vein to remove the downward pressure on the internal pelvic veins.


Dr McGlade will tailor your treatment plan in accordance with your symptoms after all scans are reviewed and a thorough history is taken in your consultation. This is a good opportunity to ask any questions you have, family or someone of support are always welcome to join in on the consultation.
Treatment for Pelvic congestion can often be quite complex and may require several treatments in the angio suite. These can involve coiling or plugging of the vessels which are the underlying cause for the symptoms and in the case of May-Thurner there may be a need for stenting of the iliac vein.